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Osteopath at Work


We are a team of manual therapists who specialise in treating individuals more holistically. Our core principles are that the human body is capable of self-regulation and that one's structure and function are reciprocally interrelated. By encompassing all three domains of mind, body and spirit into everyday practice, our patients will continue to benefit from an integrated healthcare approach. Find out more below.

Our Services

Discover the range of services we offer at Better Body Therapy. Whether you're an athlete in need of a sports massage, seeking relief from pain with remedial massage, or looking for deep tissue massage to release tension, our skilled therapists are here to help.

Sports Massage

Experience the benefits of sports massage at Better Body Therapy. Our skilled therapists will target specific muscle groups to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and promote faster recovery. Book your session today and take your athletic performance to the next level.

Remedial Massage

Relieve pain and restore function with our remedial massage therapy. Our therapists will assess your condition and tailor a treatment plan to address your specific needs. Whether you're recovering from an injury or managing a chronic condition, our remedial massage can help you on your journey to better health.

Deep Tissue Massage

Unwind and release tension with our deep tissue massage. Our therapists use firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, helping to alleviate chronic aches and pains. Treat yourself to a rejuvenating session and experience the benefits of deep relaxation.


New Patients 
Case History, Examination & Treatment (60 mins)

As a healthcare professional, extra time is needed to understand your individual case history, circumstances and unique physiology. This aim is to provide you with a personalised plan and to get you as healthy as you can be. The session will commence with a thorough consultation of your current and past medical history, followed by a physical examination, to implement an appropriate treatment plan or call to action (e.g. referral to another healthcare professional).

Returning Patients
Evaluation & Treatment (45 mins)

The session will begin with a short consultation, followed by an evaluation of your progress, and finally, treatment. Your individual case history will be reviewed in advance but any new pathologies or symptoms (e.g. pain or discomfort), should be raised during the session. Depending on the outcome, a tailored exercise or strength and conditioning programme may be needed, in tandem with treatment, in order to maximise recovery.

Book Now

Experience the best hands-on treatment, whatever your injury or symptom – book your appointment today!

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